Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My Babies Arrived!

That was quick! It only took exactly 7 days to deliver my babies!! :). And they're exactly what i wanted. I've been dreaming of completing the Harry Potter books for my library (kuno) and i wanted them to be all Adult Editions. I already have the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Then these two, The Goblet of Fire and Deathly Hollows. I have the Order of Phoenix but it's not adult Edition. Maybe next month i will be able to order the rest.

I've already read all of these. It's just that I enjoyed them too much that I'd like them to be available whenever I want to re read the stories. And since I will be keeping them for a long time, it would be nice if they are in one theme (i.e. all adult editions). The book 1 and 2 are now on sale in for $15 each. It's not too bad, I'll probably have the complete set in no time.
What happened to the ones i bought and read? Well, i sent them back home. I'm sure my nieces and nephews will enjoy them too. They were not so shabby anyway, still in very good condition.
Hay, such good books... really worth keeping.

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