Thursday, August 23, 2007

Missing the rain.....

My cubicle at work is beside the window. And it’s quite a big window. I basically know who is coming in if I’m by my computer working. But most times I’m all over the place taking care of problems. I know that most people would want a place by the window. Believe me, when they showed me the place when I got promoted, I was really excited to have some natural light for a change. After a year of working by a window where in the winter its colder than other places and in the summer, its hotter and sometimes I may actually need to wear sun glasses. But that’s all okay…still better than not having a window.

Today, the sky is gray and I can hear some distant thunder. It rarely rains in Canada. I mean the kind of rain we have back home. The rain here last a minute or two and its giving me weird feeling. Feeling of being unsatisfied…hehe. I miss the torrential rains we have. I miss the constant pouring of rain for hours. It sounds almost like a song to me…a kind of a lullaby. Whether it’s day or night, it always beckons me to sleep.

I remember when we were kids, when it starts to rain we would beg our parents to let us play under the rain. It would take us quite some time to beg and still come out with the rains still pouring and be able to enjoy the rain quite a bit longer after that. If it was here, I guess the rain would’ve gone away during the time of begging. What a snobbish rain they have in Canada!!!

When I’m a bit older…my fondness of the tropical rain has branched a bit. Oh yeah, I still very much would like to run under the rain getting all wet or perhaps play ball and whatever. But this time there’s a bit of romance mixed into it. I would imagine being in a resort with someone special and it was the rainy season. * making a big smile now * Rainy season would mean that in any given time when rain comes…it would rain for days!!! So, what would sweethearts do during times like this? It didn’t stop us from taking a stroll (in the rain, no umbrella of course), do the chasing ritual (aw c’mon, everybody must have done that :P), and then get in a the cottage made of nipa…we call it nipa hut….and be one with the rain, and then let the rain lullaby us to sleep. Can anybody imagine doing all those throughout the duration of the rain??? I can…. Imagine that is. If I’m here in Canada where rain last like a minute…then it’s all imagination for me right now.

*sigh * … I miss the rain

1 comment:

Nao said...

...I know what you mean. Rain has this calming effect, or this capacity to mirror you're emotions so that if you don't have enough of it, life seem to go by so fast. :-) God bless for such rains.